Saturday, November 17, 2007

Our gang...

To start, we are a pretty typical American family. We are a mommy and a daddy (roughly in our mid 30's) with three knee high commandants (is that a good description of the pre-k population???? Who knows - up until about a minute ago, we were lovingly referring to them as our "mooks"...guess that's not as affectionate as we thought after we googl'd it to see what the word actually meant). We live in Suburbia and try to juggle our daily routines without letting too many balls drop at once. We clean our own house (sometimes), cook our own meals (most of the time), try to incorporate a healthy lifestyle, manage our money by getting the most bang for the buck, and most importantly...find quality time to spend together as a family.

...and like the herds of parents before us, we too drive a mini-van.

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